ASTROLIQUOR for Dec. 30-Jan. 5—What the stars say you should drink

My Fellow Inebriates,

Here’s your booze horoscope:

This is a very special week for you, Aries, which means you’ll be off the dole soon. If you can snag a job interview this week, take it, because you are hot, hot, HOT. The only thing that could ruin it for you is a bender. That’s why I’m recommending a gin & Coca Cola combination—your gag reflex will save you from yourself. Then again, you might like it, in which case…enjoy the soaps.

Taurus, the dark times are ending. Yes, things are getting happier, but shit in your house still keeps breaking. Could it be that you are knocking it down while drunk? Try to put breakables away before you start mixing vodka and Mountain Dew. Then you won’t need to spend your booze money on repairs. Oh, and one more thing: there’s an ill-intentioned Sagittarius stalking you, so don’t lose consciousness. I’m sorry if that’s creepy, but it was in the stars.

You are focused on beautiful things this week, Gemini—sculpture, paintings, pretty clothes. Don’t forget beautiful drinks! Here’s the perfect recipe for something pink and lovely:

  • 1 oz white rum
  • 1 oz vodka
  • 1 oz gin
  • 0.5 oz Grand Marnier
  • Splashes of cranberry or tropical juice

Shake with ice, then pour into an old-fashioned glass and garnish with a cherry. Beautiful to look at! But you won’t look so hot after half a dozen.

Cancer, you’ll encounter a stranger this week who turns out to be more familiar than you thought. A friend of a friend perhaps, or maybe an old school buddy from long ago. You’ll bond strongly over Jack Daniel’s. Be careful, though, and establish some facts before you start slurping it off each other. This person could be your cousin. Oh, snap!

Wish I could predict a torrid affair for you or at least some small intrigue, but it’s a “nothing” week, Leo, which is probably good for you and certainly good for the police. Whatever stimulation you need is up to you! Make sure you have a nice bottle of wine to keep you company or—if you’re bored out of your mind—a big bottle of Smirnoff.

You’re feeling young, Virgo, maybe even ten or twenty years younger than your actual age. Act quickly before self-consciousness intrudes, and install yourself at the trendiest bar you can find. Order embarrassing drinks and spread the love. I see you covered in whipped cream with people pointing and laughing behind you. YEAH! Here’s a good drink for second childhood:

  • 1.5 oz creme de cacao
  • 0.5 oz banana liqueur
  • 0.5 oz coconut cream
  • 3 oz cream

If you are seriously old and on heart meds, forgo the cream and order milk. You’ll still manage to embarrass yourself.

This is the time to negotiate all things financial, Libra, at least until the end of the week. Then it’s time to contact old friends. Remember you need to phone or visit people once in a while—phone sex doesn’t a full life make. Tell your friends you’ll give them special coffee if they come over, then load them up with cherry brandy. They might not have sex with you, but at least you’ll use up all that languishing Kirschwasser.

Your psychological problems are becoming more public, Scorpio. Try talking to a professional about stuff that’s bothering you. If that person turns out to be an idiot, trust the bottle instead—but only something strong will do. Dial back your angst with equal parts tequila, Jagermeister and peppermint schnapps. If that combo doesn’t cure you, it’ll spur a psychotic break, and sometimes those are cathartic.

Sagittarius, your problems seem very big, but if you read the news you’ll realize they are minuscule. Am I lecturing you? Yes, because the stars tell me you’ll be stalking a Taurus this week. Stop that! Adventures are good, but only when your special friends are willing. Here’s some preemptive punishment: Cointreau-and-cognac shots! Do lots of them so you’ll stay at home and avoid being a nuisance.

You’ve been doing too much pretending, Capricorn. You barely know yourself any more, and people are starting to think you’re a douche. Part of the problem is your pretentiousness about wine and whiskey. If you adhere to very high-quality alcohol, your tastebuds become spoiled. Reset your tastes with something bizarre before you become intolerable. Here’s your prescription:

  • 3 oz watermelon vodka
  • 3 oz watermelon rum
  • 2 oz apple schnapps
  • 2 oz berry schnapps
  • 2 oz watermelon schnapps
  • Gingerale to taste (I recommend “none”)

Shake it up and down it. After that, any wine is gonna taste awesome.

Aquarius, that thing you’ve been working on, that you’ve poured your heart into, that thing you’ve sweat blood for—well, your boss thinks it sucks. Drown your sorrows with some nice Russian vodka. A vodka bottle will never call you a loser. A vodka bottle is your friend. All the bottles are your friends.

Pisces, this week features an erotic attraction to two or three people, maybe all at once. Obviously liquor will be needed to manifest this idea properly. Malibu should do the trick, with lashings of melon, banana and cherry liqueur. With all those flavors flying around, the whole gang will be happy, and at least some of you should score.

11 Liqueurs Your Coffee Mug is Crying Out For

My Fellow Inebriates,

The cat likes it too.

For anybody who isn’t in retail, this is a lazy week. And what’s the best way to start a lazy day? Why, a booze/coffee combo. Even if you’re about to get on the bus for work, a little shot of something in your java can mellow out your morning in the very best way. And it’s a great way to delay any workout resolutions—it’s pretty hard to get through an aerobics class with a headful of crème de menthe. Working out is for next year. There’s precious little time left in 2011 to drink.

So what shall we pour?

We’ve got a zillion choices, so let’s break it down.

Chocolate liqueurs. A natural with coffee, these elixirs include crème de cacao, Godiva white chocolate, and a host of flavored variants that morph coffee from a workaday wake-up tool to an earth-shattering tango in the mouth. Yes, do it! Pour Mozart into your coffee (better still, pour a small amount of coffee into your Mozart) and start your day on a high. Have to work? Take your flask on the bus. Mmmmmmmm.

Fruit liqueurs. From orchard to pineapple grove, these products delight and surprise. But will they work in your coffee? Absolutely! Think Cointreau or Malibu or—for sporting tastebuds—Midori melon or Limoncello. It’s not gross; it’s breakfast, and it will make your day better.

Honey liqueurs. Honey and coffee are another natural pair, so up the ante by adding Drambuie or Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Honey. You’ve nowhere to go, right?

Too strong to drink without alcohol.

Coffee liqueurs. Coffee + Coffee = Yum. Especially if your parents make nuclear coffee the way mine do. When a spoon can stand up in your coffee, there’s no point trying to make something stand out in it. Add some Kahlua, Tia Maria or Starbucks.

Flower liqueurs. I dare you to add one of these weird things to your coffee: Crème de Rose, Lavender Liqueur, or Shan Hibiscus. Why not? You know I would.

Nutty liqueurs. These do the dance with coffee better than most liqueurs, and you may need some to help you recover from your lavender experiment. Frangelico, Amaretto, Peanut Lolita—all of these are go-for-takeoff.

Whiskey liqueurs. Sometimes you just want the taste of booze in your coffee. Wild Turkey, Irish Mist, Glenturret liqueur are all good add-ins when you just want a hit but you feel too socially constrained to drink the stuff straight.

Bust out and wear a dress.

Cream liqueurs. If you normally add cream to your coffee, these are a logical substitute. Booze manufacturers make cream of everything. Some Dulce de Leche? Mmmm. Heather Cream? No doubt. Any of the Irish cream array? You bet your widening ass. Tequila Rose? I probably get to keep that for myself 😉

Berry liqueurs. Weird alone, never mind with coffee, these are a must-serve when your guests have stayed the night after New Year’s and you just want them to get the hell out.

Anise liqueurs. As natural as these are with coffee in many areas of the world, Ouzo java might knock you out with its shocking heaviness and ineradicable aftertaste. Also good for giving sleepover guests the heave-ho.

Herbal liqueurs. You thought Pernod and Crème de Cassis were weird with coffee? Try Jagermeister in your mug. Or Minttu (peppermint). How about Everglo (tequila/vodka/caffeine/ginseng)? Whoa! I love these drinks when I have absolutely no other options.

When in doubt and all else fails, add Southern Comfort. Ahhhhhh.

“Versatile”? Don’t you mean “random”?

My Fellow Inebriates,

I’ve been avoiding something.

It’s not like there aren’t plenty of things I avoid. Responsibility, work, paying for things, sobriety—avoidance is pretty much my M.O. But when you start avoiding good things, you have to ask yourself why.

Case in point: The Versatile Blogger Award.

Astonishingly, I’ve been tapped twice for this honor—first by Emily (The Waiting) and next by Red (Momma’s Money Matters). My embarrassed thanks to them both. I hope they’ll forgive me if I accuse them of confusing versatility with randomness 😉

Understanding this award and how it works didn’t come easily to me despite clear instructions and encouragement from these terrific writers. I’ve simply been too drunk, but I think I finally get what I need to do:

  • Accept the award (humbly, gratefully)
  • Bore you with seven facts about my furry self
  • Share the love with 15 of my favorite bloggers
  • Tell them about it

First. I’ve proudly posted the award on my front page. Yay! It feels good to look at it. Maybe I’ll get inspired to turn my life around, crawl out of the bottle, find some normalcy. LOL.

Second. Just the facts, bear.

  1. My retail price was $5. It was a charity deal: buy two bears for $10—one goes to charity, one goes home with the customer. I went home with the customer. I shudder to think where my drunken twin went. Probably gutting it out with teetotalers somewhere.
  2. I live with two little girls, age 4 and 6. They love me, but thankfully they love puppies and ponies more. This is what has spared me from the Maytag and the sewing needle (so far).
  3. Whenever the family vacations, I go too, along with one other bear. Sometimes we cause trouble because the people we visit are bothered by our constant presence at the breakfast table, in front of the TV, etc. One of us caused a fight once by giving a relative the finger.
  4. I’m addicted to an online game called Wrestler Unstoppable. My avatar is called “LB the Alcoholic Bear.” He does okay, depending on his fur-alcohol level.
  5. Despite considerable effort, I can’t find my junk. I know it must be somewhere under my fur, because I doubt I’d find Dolly quite so intriguing otherwise, but nothing’s turned up, and Dolly says she’s not helping any more.
  6. My dad runs an audio-visual business and my mum’s an editor. They are totally boring.
  7. I get upset when I hear about drinking and driving.

Third. Now that the factoids are out of the way, here’s to my much more accomplished peers.

The Waiting: The Joys and Toils of Growing a Baby. Not just your average mommy blog, this site bubbles with ear-to-the-ground culture. Worth seeing for Nyan Cat, but then there’s so much more…

Momma’s Money Matters: Money and Parenting Advice from a Momma of Ten. Daunting on two accounts, this blog tackles things that would otherwise be incomprehensible to me—money and parenting. If only Red could see our bookkeeping…

Yoyo-Dyne Propulsion Systems: Reno Division—Fear and Loathing in Reno. Versatile with a capital V, this humorous site is an intelligent oasis, and never afraid to be dark.

The Bloggess. Can I include this one? If I can’t, well, blame the booze. Post a tagline like “For the love of God. Let my vagina sleep” and I’ll read it. For sure. But she looks like she could kill me.

Taylor's Dan Lacey painting?

It’s Taylor Made: No Refunds Accepted. I suspect Taylor outbid me on a Dan Lacey painting I desperately wanted. Big points for art appreciation.

Good Spirits News: The world of spirits & cocktails in the news. Comprehensive and professional, this is my go-to for thorough, insightful booze reviews.

On My Square: Trying to figure life out…and keep confusion down. Real life, real humanity, real humor. Impossible to read this and not care deeply.

Snide Reply: Where I Talk Back to Life. Satisfying, well-crafted writing about parenting.

Eldon: We Specialize in Awkward. Poignant yet hilarious and strikingly honest.

Okay, so I’m halfway there. My typist is disappearing to take the kids to a playdate, which means it’s time to tackle the corkscrew again. Maybe this time I can manage it…